Em's Space! - Article 1: The Nerdy Interview! Reading Nish's Take! - Article 1: Our Favourite Characters! 8 minutes Next Pretty Nerdy's top 10 Anime to watch in 2023!

Nish's Take! - Article 1: Our Favourite Characters! 

Hey guys, I'm Nish - the other half of Pretty Nerdy alongside Em. Two week, Em debuted Em's Space (Read it here, if you haven't already!). Em's Space is a little segment on the Pretty Nerdy Blog, where Em gets to talk about everything and anything she fancies. Well since she'll be updating fortnightly, I get to fill in on the weeks she won't be posting!

Unfortunately due to a bit of hectic schedule, we've both had to delay our posts recently - but starting from 2022 we'll be right on track and keeping our fortnightly blogs up to date! 

Now if you've read last weeks Em's Space instalment, you would know she conducted an Interview of us co-directors of Pretty Nerdy. I like to consider myself an artist, and it's a sign of a great artist, to take inspiration from other people's work and adapt it to create something new - which is why, I too will conduct my own Pretty Nerdy Interview! 


1) Who is your favourite Anime protagonist?
Nish: This is a very hard question to ask myself (literally, since I'm conducting this interview), but I've come to the conclusion that my favourite Anime character of all time is *drum roll please*...Okabe Rintaro - also known as Hououin Kyouma! For those of you who haven't watched Steins Gate and Steins Gate: Zero, it is about a character (Okabe) acting like a mad scientist, who discovers that his Microwave, when connected to his phone, allows him to send messages in to the past. That in itself is a very crazy premise, and you would expect it to quite humorous, which it is, but the story quite easily gets twisted and turns dark, as a lot of time travel stories do. The reason why Okabe is my favourite, is because he's incredibly smart - but then decides to throw it all out the window, just because he wants to act like a mad scientist. And I have to just be at awe, at that level of delirious in a character. I also have to say, he also has incredible character development, and always steps up when he needs to. Also honourable mentions include: Naruto, Ichigo, Light and L, Jonathan Joestar and Jotaro Kujo! I could keep going, but then we'll just have a list of all the main characters from all my favourite animes! 
Em: I don't actually have a favourite protagonist. I tend to get really irritated at protagonists that are made out to be flawless or wise beyond ages because humans aren't actually like that. Also those ones that suddenly gain powers without struggle or unrealistically fall in love just completely turn me off from watching. I guess the closest I am to a favourite is Naruto and Izuku Midoriya (from MHA). I related to Naruto's character and he brought me a lot of joy watching him grow and seeing his character develop - to the point where I had fan art as my phone background! And then along came Boku no Hero's Izuku Midoriya, who touched my heart and I felt like I related to him so much more. His insecurities, his thoughts, his actions - he became someone I really admired. With that being said, I can't deny that my other personalities felt the same when it came to Bakugo and his special ways! I do tend to fall in love with villains and side characters more - it's always so much fun watching them all!



2) Who is your favourite Anime side character?

Nish: There is such a big selection of side characters in Anime that end up becoming even more loved than the main character. For example, L from Death Note, Bakugo from Boku no Hero and Gojo from JJK. But there is one character that is in my eyes, the best side character to ever exist. Joseph Joestar. Now it's arguable he's the main character, after all he's the leading star in Season 2 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. However, in season 3, Jotaro Joestar is the leading Jojo and Joseph is older and becomes the side and accompanying character of the show. So why is he my favourite? Well cause of one simple phrase:
It's Joseph Joestar's most iconic phrase throughout season 3. And whenever a new villian popped up for the Jojo gang to fight, we would just see Joseph pop up and shout "Oh my God!" and It would always make me grin! 
Em: Oooh favourite side characters, because I have more than one! I have such a long list, I don't think this interview would be long enough to mention every single one! Let's start though, and the first one that always comes to mind is Daichi from Haikyuu - what a beautiful 2D man. Daichi has such a supportive and calm vibe, but it's funny when he gets mad! Nishinoya from Haikyuu is another favourite, I could probably write novels about how much I love him! Honey-senpai from Ouran High School Host Club is just sososososo cuteeeeeeeee and Mori-senpai is even cuter omg! Izuki from kuroko no basketball is always someone I enjoyed watching especially for those puns! Tadokora from Yowamushi Pedal also needs a shout cause his cover of HIME HIME is all ways in my head!



3) Which anime character have you had a secret crush on for years? 

Nish: Himiko Toga. I'm not even to bad girls, but Himiko Toga, just has a vibe that catches your attention. Also, I'm deffo straight, but Kakashi from Naruto was always super cool. And now Kakashi 2.0 (Satoru Gojo from JJK), has also got my attention. 



Em: hmmm this is difficult I actually don't think I do. I'm not someone who simps in secret, if I like them it becomes very evident that I do - that being said, I actually don't think I have had a crush on any character (maybe because I can't crush myself with the unrealistic expectations of what I cannot have)!

4) Who's your favourite anime comic relief?  

Nish: It's simple. The biggest comic relief that exists is Saitama from One Punch Man. Of course, he's a main character, but Saitama is so oblivious to his main character-ness, that he's essentially a funny side character in his own anime. A close second to Saitama, is definitely Mio from Nichijou. That whole anime is hilarious, but Mio's character just makes me laugh as soon as she pops up on screen! 



Em: This is actually really difficult, often cause I just enjoy the anime and there’s not always characters that stand out to me. However, saying this, there is one that comes to mind; Zoe Hange from AOT! I’ve really loved her character since season 1 where she was super crazy about Eren and his titan form. She’s probably more hilarious to me because I enjoy similar forms of insanity generally! 



5) And finally, the most important question of them all. Who's your favourite anime villain?

Nish: Light Yagami. I refuse to hear an argument against this one. Although he's the protagonist of Death Note, and we see the whole story unfold from Light's point of view and also grow to worry about things going wrong for him - but the truth is, he's a villain. He wanted to be a god like dictator to the world, and he didn't even hesitate when it came to killing people to further his own desires. So for me, Light is one of my favourite villains. But a close second is definitely, Dio from Jojo's bizarre adventure! 



Em: My favourite anime villain is All for One. The biggest reason why is because of that beautiful soundtrack that goes with it - its dark, eerie and creepy all at the same time and its amazing. But just generally, he’s not a cop-out villain you know. He was created as a generally evil guy who is very very unlikely to have a redemption arc. He’s a true evil evil. Someone who comes close is William Moriarty, from Moriarty for Patriot (if you haven’t watched the anime plssssss watch it its incredible!). I get he’s the protagonist but god-damn sometimes he actually feels like a proper villain. The planning, the intelligence, the beauty - just like a criminal mastermind.


And that's all for my first edition of Nish's Take! We would love to hear your own answers to these questions - so feel free to comment and let us know you're favourite anime characters! 

You can also reach out at @prettynerdyltd and don't forget to check out our shop for our full first launch here at www.prettynerdy.co.uk.

Later Gator's,


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